Thursday, November 28, 2013


It's Thanksgiving day and I wanted to share two lists. One is the things for which I'm thankful and the other is the things for which I'm not so thankful:


1. My wife and              1. The  persons who
     family.                          who discovered sugar
                                          and chocolate.

2. The Gospel of            2. Don Johnson who
    Christ and His                made the scruffy 
    Atonement                      unshaven look

3. The personal              3.  Philo T. Farnsworth
    computer and                  who invented the TV
    the Internet which           where I spend entirely
    have given me                 too much of my time    
    something to do               watching frivolous
    while I'm retired.             programs.   

4. Freedom of thought    4. Dennis Rodman
    and action.                      who popularized
                                           tattoos for athletes,
                                           which then turned into
                                           a widespread practice
                                           among younger people.

5. The man who stood     5. Having to clean 
    under a waterfall             soap and mineral
    and thereby created         deposits from the 
    the first shower.               shower stall.                  
6. The inventor of the      6. My dentist who 
     electric toothbrush.         insists I floss after 

7. The inventor of the       7.  Having to shave 
    electric razor.                    every day. (I know,
                                              Don Johnson)
8. The Automobile           8. Big oil companies
    which gives me                 for suppressing the
    freedom of movement      development of 
                                             alternative types of
                                             fuel for cars. 
                                             (Hydrogen would be 
9. Christmas as a                9. The first guy who
    celebration of the birth       put Christmas lights
    of Christ and a reminder     up on the outside of
    of what He means to us.      their house.

 10. The Christmas spirit,  10. The person who was
       which I need                     too shy to publish
        more of.                           "A Visit  From
                                                  St. Nicholas" 
                                                  (a.k.a. "The Night 
                                                  Before Christmas")
                                                under his own name
                                                but did it
                                                anonymously, thus 
                                                creating Santa Claus
                                                and the need to give
                                                gifts at Christmas
                                                which has gotten 
                                                way out of control.

11.  Ibuprofen                   11. Arthritis  

12. Thomas Edison           12. R-rated Movies
       for inventing                    and the Hollywood
       everything.                       movie moguls who 
                                               can't figure out that
                                               PG and PG-13
                                               movies make more 

13. Thanksgiving              13. Food Network Chefs
                                               who all cook turkey
                                               differently and 
                                               confuse everybody
                                               with dozens of

14. Sandwiches made       14. Black Friday sales
      from left-over                   which have now
      Thanksgiving turkey,        worked their way
      stuffing, and                      to Thanksgiving Day 
      cranberry sauce                 and will ultimately
                                                start the day after 
                                                Halloween. Oh wait,
                                                they already start
                                                after Halloween. 
                                               They just don't call 
                                                them Black Friday 
15. Thanksgiving dinner   15. All the work that 
      with all my children,        goes into its 
      their spouses, and my       preparation.
      grandchildren gathered
      at our house to start the 
      Holiday Season.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


O Universo é muito grande! Tudo o que tenho a fazer é olhar para cima à noite para ver que é uma afirmação verdadeira.Eu li um artigo no jornal Deseret News de terça-feira, 5 de novembro, 2013, com o título: Estudo: 8,8 bilhões do tamanho da Terra , os planetas recém- direita.O que os autores estavam discutindo era a estimativa de que em nossa galáxia Via Láctea, há pelo menos 8,8 bilhões de planetas orbitando estrelas de mesma magnitude como o nosso Sol, que também está localizado na zona Goldilocks (não muito quente e não a frio para a vida). Eles também mencionaram que existem planetas que orbitam estrelas maiores e menores do que o sol, que também se encaixam na zona Goldilocks dessa estrela. Adicioná-los todos juntos e você terá cerca de 40 bilhões planetas compatíveis com a vida.Então eu fiz uma pesquisa na internet para descobrir quantas galáxias estão estimadas no universo. Esse número foi estimada em entre 200 e 500 bilhões. A nossa Via Láctea é de tamanho médio a grande , ou seja, há galáxias maiores e menores. Just for fun I multiplicado 500.000.000.000 galáxias com 40 bilhões de planetas e tem uma figura de 2 x1022 planetas ( 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ) com capacidades de suporte de vida .        O UNIVERSO É MUITO GRANDE !


The Universe is very big! All I have to do is look up at night to see that is a true statement.
I read an article in the Deseret News of Tuesday, November 5, 2013 with the headline:

Study: 8.8 billion Earth-size, just-right planets.
What the authors were discussing was the estimate that in our Milky Way galaxy there are at least 8.8 billion planets orbiting stars of the same magnitude as our sun that are also located in the Goldilocks zone (not too hot and not to cold for life). They also mentioned that there are planets orbiting larger and smaller stars than the sun that also fit into the Goldilocks zone of that star. Add them all together and you get about 40 billion life- compatible planets. 

I then did an internet search to find out how many galaxies are estimated in the universe. That estimated figure was between 200 and 500 billion. Our Milky Way is of medium large size, meaning there are larger and smaller galaxies. Just for fun I multiplied 500 billion galaxies with 40 billion planets and got a figure of   2 x1022 planets (20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) with life supporting capabilities. 


Friday, September 20, 2013


Eu estava sentado no meu quintal esta noite desfrutar da companhia de amigos e ter um pedaço de torta depois de um grande hambúrguer grelhado, quando eu olhei para cima e vi um avião voar sobre nosso bairro, supostamente, em seu caminho para o pouso no aeroporto
que está localizado a vários quilômetros ao norte da nossa casa. De repente, tornou-se claro para mim que os aviões são muito pesadas para voar.
Alguma vez você já parou perto de uma? Os pneus são quase tão alto quanto uma pessoa. É óbvio que eles são muito pesados ​​para voar!

Da mesma forma como os petroleiros, navios de
e embarcações em geral, são muito pesadas para flutuar. Jogar uma pedra na água e ele afunda. Petroleiros, navios e barcos são muito mais pesado do que uma pedra.

Eu acho que todos os aviões, tanques, navios e barcos são projetadas imagens holográficas no céu e na água. Por que outra razão teriam os grandes,
altas torres em aeroportos e
faróis na costa do mar? Eles projetam os hologramas para a pista, para o céu e toda a água.

Eu tenho uma teoria de que o suposto ar fresco vindo do pequeno bico na consola do tejadilho por cima de cada assento em um avião realmente contém um gás nocaute que põe toda a gente a dormir no avião.

A tripulação então carrega cada passageiro do avião falso e nos ônibus que transportam os
passageiros ao seu destino desejado, colocá-los novamente em um avião falso e reanimá-los, assim como o avião está supostamente pouso e desgastante para o terminal. Eu sei que isso parece loucura, mas quanto mais você explica aviões que são demasiado pesadas para voar e petroleiros, navios e barcos que são demasiado pesadas para flutuar?


I was seated in my back yard this evening enjoying the company of friends and having a piece of pie after a great barbecued hamburger when I looked up and saw an airplane fly over our neighborhood supposedly on its way to a landing at the airport
which is located several miles north of our home. It suddenly became clear to me that airplanes are too heavy to fly. 
Have you ever stood near one? The tires are almost as tall as a person. It is obvious they are too heavy to fly!

In much the same way oil tankers, cruise ships and boats in general are too heavy to float. Throw a rock in the water and it sinks. Tankers, ships and boats are way heavier than a rock. 

I think that all airplanes, tankers, ships and boats are holographic images projected into the sky and onto the water. Why else would they have those big, tall towers at airports and
lighthouses on the sea shore? They project the holograms onto the runway, into the sky and across the water. 

I have a theory that the supposed fresh air coming out of the little nozzle in the overhead console above each seat on an airplane really contains a knockout gas which puts everybody to sleep on the plane.
The crew then carries each passenger off the fake plane and onto buses that transport the passengers to their desired destination, put them back on a fake airplane and revive them just as the plane is supposedly landing and taxing to the terminal. I know this sounds crazy but how else do you explain airplanes that are too heavy to fly and tankers, ships and boats that are too heavy to float?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Jardinagem é um castigo. Na verdade, na minha opinião, ele é o segundo só seria ser expulso do
Paraíso, em sua gravidade. Você não pode chamar o que Adão e Eva fizeram no Eden jardinagem. Eles tiveram mais fácil --- Escolha frutas e legumes para comer e apreciar a beleza das flores que todos cresceram espontaneamente. Alguém plantou o Jardim para eles, e, 
               não houve ervas daninhas!

Depois que eles foram convidados a deixar o realmente tive que trabalhar e suar para fazer as coisas crescerem.Eu acho que as frutas, legumes e flores sei que vê-los com desconfiança e ressentimento. Por que eu deveria ter que cavar e cultivar a terra, plantar, fertilizá-los, regá-las e remover as ervas daninhas que competem. No passado eu fiz essas coisas eo resultado foi menor do que gratificante.Não foi o ano que eu plantei tomates e colhida não um fruto comestível. Não foi o ano que eu plantei

morangos e os meus filhos desenterrou todas as plantas no dia seguinte. Em seguida, houve as ervilhas vinha sem ervilhas, as cenouras que eram longos, finos e amargo, as batatas que eram bolas de gude, o milho que não iria crescer, e as abobrinhas que faria. Zucchini fazem parte do punishment.They crescer como um louco e ninguém os quer. Basta tentar dá-los, e só há tanta abobrinha pão que você pode comer.Jardinagem flor é ainda pior. Eu não posso contar o número de vezes que eu desenterrado a faixa de terreno em frente da nossa casa e plantou inúmeras variedades de flores só para tê-los murchar e morrer diante dos meus olhos: Estrados, petúnias, Columbine, cactos, lírios, tulipas, Narcisos, Amor-perfeito, etc As únicas coisas que tenho conseguido crescer é floração sálvia, erva daninha do Bispo, e da glória da manhã. Este ano conseguimos crescer uma multa safra de chickweed juntamente com malmequeres que vai crescer em qualquer lugar.

Eu amo belas metros paisagísticos, com flores e plantas perenes. Eu adoraria ver uma próspera horta e invejar aqueles que têm o polegar verde para fazê-los crescer e produzir. Eu, por outro lado, sou abençoado com um polegar marrom quando se trata de jardinagem. Eu não posso nem crescer as plantas de interior sem matá-los.Minha única esperança é que no céu todos nós teremos que dizer é: "CRESÇA!" e as plantas vão cuidar do resto.


Gardening is a punishment. In fact, in my opinion, it is second only be being cast out of Paradise in its severity. You can't call what Adam and Eve did in Eden gardening. They had it easy---Pick fruits and vegetables to eat and enjoy the beauty of the
flowers that all grew spontaneously. Someone else had planted the Garden for them, and, 
there were no weeds

After they were asked to leave the actually had to work and sweat to make things grow.

I think the fruits, vegetables and flowers know I view them with suspicion and resentment. Why should I have to dig and till the ground, plant them, fertilize them, water them and remove the competing weeds. In the past I have done these things and the result has been less than rewarding.
There was the year I planted tomatoes and harvested not one edible fruit. There was the year I planted strawberries and my children dug up all the plants the next day. Then there were the peas vines with no peas, the carrots that were long, thin and bitter, the potatoes that were marbles, the corn that wouldn't grow, and the zucchini that would. Zucchini are part of the punishment.They grow like crazy and nobody wants them. Just try to give them away, and there is only so much zucchini bread you can eat.

Flower gardening is even worse. I cannot count the number of times I have dug up the strip of ground in front of our house and planted numerous varieties of flowers only to have them wither and die right before my eyes: Daises, Petunias, Columbine, Cacti, Lilies, Tulips, Daffodils, Pansies, etc. The only things I have managed to grow is flowering sage, Bishop's Weed, and morning glory. This year we did manage to grow a fine crop of chickweed along with marigolds that will grow anywhere. 

I love beautiful landscaped yards with flowers and perennial plants. I love to see a thriving vegetable garden and envy those who have the green thumb to make them grow and produce. I on the other hand am blessed with a brown thumb when it comes to gardening. I can't even grow indoor plants without killing them.  

My only hope is that in heaven all we will have to say is, "GROW!" and the plants will take care of the rest.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Que está em um QI?

Meu filho chegou em casa a partir de uma recente férias e informou-me que o seu QI foi maior do que o meu QI. Eu balancei a cabeça e perguntou: "O que é um QI
Será que representam Quociente Idiot?
Quociente de Incompetência?
Quociente Incompatíveis?
Questões Ignorantes?
Queries Ignominious?
Quotations Irresponsáveis​​?
Qoph Incompreensível (a letra hebraica)?
Qanat Inacessível (túnel subterrâneo

          para o transporte de água para irrigação)?
Qasida Incompreensível (árabe ou persa
                                       poema elegíaco)?
Quab Incessante (a pulsar; quiver)?
Quadragenário Indigentes (a pessoa betwee 40 e
                                          49 anos de idade)?
Quadrienal Independente (com duração de quatro
                                          anos; que ocorre uma
                                          vez a cada quatro anos)?
Quenelle Incompreensível  (cozido de carne
                                            bolinho de massa)?
Quaeritur Incessante (pergunta-se)?
Querist Inexorável (investigador)?
Quidditative Incompreensivelmente (peculiar;

"Essa é a única", disse ele e foi para seu quarto para tocar sua guitarra e voltei a assistir TV. *

* Nunca realmente aconteceu, mas deve ter.


My son came home from a recent vacation and
informed me that his IQ was higher than my IQ.
I nodded my head and asked, "What's an IQ?
Does it stand for Idiot Quotient? 
Incompetence Quotient? 
Incompatible Quotient? 
Ignorant Questions? 
Ignominious Queries?
Irresponsible Quotations?

Incomprehensible Qoph 
     (a Hebrew letter)?
Inaccessible Qanat   
   (underground tunnel   
   for carrying irrigation water)? 
Incomprehensible Qasida (Arabic or Persian 
elegiac poem)? 
Incessant Quab (to throb; quiver)? 
Indigent Quadragenarian (a person betwee 40 and
                                          49 years of age)? 
Independent Quadrennial (lasting four years; 
                           occurring once every four years)?
Incomprehensible Quenelle (poached meat
Incessant Quaeritur (the question is asked)?
Inexorable Querist (inquirer)?
Incomprehensibly quidditative (quirky; eccentric)?"

"That's the one," he said and went off to his room to play his guitar and I returned to watching TV.*
                               *Never really happened but it should have.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Fogos de Artifício!!

 Eu cresci numa época em que fogos de artifício  eram ilegal em Utah. Se você queria um show diferente de sparklers no 4 º ou 24 de julho, você tinha que fazer uma viagem através da fronteira em Wyoming para obter biscoitos de fogo ou outros dispositivos explosivos e contrabandear-los de volta para o estado de Utah da colmeia sem ser pego. (EU NUNCA FIZ ISSO!) A polícia seria realmente colocar bloqueios de estradas para pegar os infratores e de ingressos.

Em seguida, a proibição foi retirada no fogo de artifício do solo para a celebração ficou mais

colorido. Finalmente fora das restrições de solo foram apagados em Utah e julho céus noturnos tornaram-se em chamas com explosões de luz e pólvora. Isso causa estragos em meus pulmões asmáticos e provavelmente danifica minha audição, mas é muito divertido ver os fogos de perto ao invés de todo o terreno arável de um parque de bola ou em algum lugar perto da periferia da cidade "por razões de segurança."

O que me leva ao que aconteceu no dia 4 de julho, enquanto a minha família estava assistindo a minha luz o filho do show pirotécnico na estrada em frente da nossa casa. Um dos pacotes aéreos

maiores, multi-shot desviado em que é lado e atirou as explosões para aqueles de nós sentados na calçada. Um deles gritou em um arbusto, explodiu e pegou a grama e folhas em chamas.Felizmente eu tinha um balde de água à mão que usamos para apagar as estrelinhas no início da
Agarrei-a e jogou-a sobre as chamas. Nada explodiu eo fogo foi extinto. Escusado será dizer que a seguiu com grandes quantidades de água da mangueira.

Filmamos o resto dos fogos de artifício de uma grande lata de lixo de plástico com areia no fundo e um forno holandês na areia. O forno holandês e areia manteve os fogos de artifício a partir da queima do lixo e dos lados do possível foco as exibições aéreas para o ar e não para o público. Ele também fez booms ocos como um tiro de canhão, quando os tiros foram enviados para o ar.

Nossos vizinhos do lado tiro de seus fogos de artifício e muitos deles entraram na árvore de altura em outra lado da estrada. Fiquei esperando as folhas para pegar fogo.

Talvez aquelas velhas leis que restringem os usos de fogos de artifício aéreos exibe apenas para aqueles que sabiam como lidar com eles com segurança não eram tão louco, afinal.


     I grew up during an era when fireworks were illegal in Utah. If you wanted a show other than sparklers on the 4th or 24th 
of July, you had to make a trip across the border into Wyoming to get fire crackers or other exploding devices and smuggle them back into the Beehive State without getting caught. (I NEVER DID THIS!) The police would actually put up road blocks to catch and ticket offenders. 

    Then the ban was taken off on the ground fireworks so the celebration got more colorful. Finally off the ground restrictions were erased in Utah and July nighttime skies became ablaze with explosions of light and gun powder. It wreaks havoc on my asthmatics lungs and probably damages my hearing, but it is great fun to see the fireworks up close instead of across the infield of a ball park or somewhere near the outskirts of town "for safety reasons." 

     Which brings me to what happened on the 4th of July while my family was watching my son light the fireworks show on the road in front of our house. One of the larger, multi-shot aerial packages tipped over on it's side and shot the explosions toward those of us seated in the driveway. One of them screamed into a bush, exploded and caught the grass and leaves on fire. 
Luckily I had a bucket of water handy that we used to douse the sparklers earlier in the evening. I grabbed it and threw it on the flames.  Nothing exploded and the fire was extinguished. Needless to say a followed up with copious amounts of water from the hose.

     We shot the rest of the fireworks out of a large plastic garbage can with sand in the bottom and a dutch oven on the sand. The dutch oven and sand kept the fireworks from burning the garbage can and the sides of the can focused the aerial displays into the air and not at the audience. It also made hollow booms like cannon fire when the shots were sent into the air.

     Our next door neighbors shot of their fireworks and many of them went into the tall tree across the road. I kept expecting the leaves to catch fire. 

     Maybe those old laws restricting the uses of aerial fireworks displays to only to those who knew how to handle them safely weren't so crazy after all.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


We seem to have a fixation on playing games that involve balls:

Basketball--putting a ball in a round hole with netting hanging from it.

Baseball--throwing and hitting a ball as fast and as far as possible. Some people even take drugs to do it better.

Golf--bashing a tiny ball with metal sticks trying to force it into a itsy-bitsy hole in the ground.

Soccer--kicking a ball into a rectangular goal with eleven other people trying to stop you.

Bowling--rolling a ball down a hardwood alley trying to knock over wooden pins.

Football-oblong ball but still a ball.

Tennis-bashing a ball back and forth over a net. 

What is the common factor in all these activities?

Those who play them well get paid an obscene amount of money.


#1. LeBron James

  Total earnings : $53 million

Salary/winnings: $13 million
Endorsements: $40 million ( Nike, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, State Farm and others)

#2. Kobe Bryant

 Total earnings: $52.3 million

Salary/winnings: $20.3 million
Endorsements: $32 million

#3. Dwight Howard

  Total earnings: $25.6 million

Salary/winnings: $14.6 million
Endorsements: $11 million

#4. Kevin Durant

  Total earnings: $25.5 million

Salary/winnings: $12.5 million
Endorsements: $13 million

#5. Dwyane Wade

  Total earnings: $24.7 million

Salary/winnings: $12.7 million
Endorsements: $12 million

#6. Carmelo Anthony

Total earnings: $22.9 million
Salary/winnings: $14.9 million
Endorsements: $8 million

#7. Amar’e Stoudemire

  Total earnings: $22.7 million

Salary/winnings: $14.7 million
Endorsements: $8 million

#8. Kevin Garnett

  Total earnings: $21.1 million

Salary/winnings: $17.1 million
Endorsements: $4 million

#9. Chris Paul

  Total earnings: $19.2 million

Salary/winnings: $13.2 million
Endorsements: $6 million

#10. Tim Duncan

  Total earnings: $19.1 million

Salary/winnings: $17.1 million
Endorsements: $2 million

Alex Rodriguez
New York Yankees
Vernon Wells
New York Yankees
Johan Santana
New York Mets
Mark Teixeira
New York Yankees
CC Sabathia
New York Yankees
Joe Mauer
Minnesota Twins
Prince Fielder
Detroit Tigers
Adrian Gonzalez
Los Angeles Dodgers
Cliff Lee
Philadelphia Phillies
Miguel Cabrera
Detroit Tigers


1. Tiger Woods

ON COURSE: $2,067,059 | OFF COURSE: $62,000,000 TOTAL: $64,067,059

2. Phil Mickelson

   ON COURSE: $3,991,564 | OFF COURSE: $38,000,000 TOTAL: $41,991,564

3. Arnold Palmer

ON COURSE: $0 | OFF COURSE: $36,000,000
 | TOTAL: $36,000,000

4. Jack Nicklaus

  ON COURSE: $155,000 | OFF COURSE: $28,800,000 | TOTAL: $28,955,000

5. Greg Norman

  ON COURSE: $75,118 | OFF COURSE: $22,750,000 | TOTAL: $22,825,118

6. Luke Donald

  ON COURSE: $13,183,497 | OFF COURSE: $8,500,000 | TOTAL: $21,683,497

7. Ernie Els

ON COURSE: $1,409,442 | OFF COURSE: $17,000,000 | TOTAL: $18,409,442

8. Gary Player

  ON COURSE: $14,486 | OFF COURSE: $16,000,000 | TOTAL: $16,014,486

9. Sergio Garcia

  ON COURSE: $3,601,441 | OFF COURSE: $12,250,000 | TOTAL: $15,851,441

10. Bill Haas

  ON COURSE: $14,354,785 | OFF COURSE: $1,000,000 TOTAL: $15,354,785

11. Rory McIlroy

  ON COURSE: $8,174,832 | OFF COURSE: $5,900,000 TOTAL: $14,074,832


1. David Beckham - US$50.6 million (£32.5m)
2. Cristiano Ronaldo - US$43.5 million (£27.9m)
3. Lionel Messi - US$40.3 million 
4. Sergio Aguero - US$20.8 million
5. Wayne Rooney - US$20.3 million
6. Yaya Toure – US$20.2 million 
7. Fernando Torres – US$20.2 million (£12.9m)
 8. Neymar - US$19.5  million
9. Kaka - US$19.3 million 
10. Didier Drogba - US$17.8 million


A professional bowler might make $175,000-$225,000.

2011-2012 Top 20 PBA Tour Money Winners

Money Earned (USD)

Sean Rash$140,250

Jason Belmonte$137,375

Mike Fagan$116,950

Pete Weber$97,820


#1 Drew Brees

Total Earnings: $49.4 million
On Field: $44.4 million, Off Field: $5 million

#2 Peyton Manning

Total Earnings: $42.4 million
On Field: $32.4 million, Off Field: $10 million

#3 Haloti Ngata

Total Earnings: $37.3 million
On Field: $37.1 million, Off Field: $200,000

#4 Larry Fitzgerald

Total Earnings: $36.8 million
On Field: $35.3 million, Off Field: $1.5 million

#5 Ndamukong Suh

Total Earnings: $36 million
On Field: $35.5 million, Off Field: $500,000

#6 Charles Johnson

Total Earnings: $34.4 million
On Field: $34.3 million, Off Field: $100,000

#7 Mario Williams

Total Earnings: $33.2 million
On Field: $32.9 million, Off Field: $250,000

#8 Darrelle Revis

Total Earnings: $28.3 million
On Field: $27 million, Off Field: $1.3 million

#9 Sam Bradford

Total Earnings: $27.8 million
On Field: $26.8 million, Off Field: $1 million

#10 Tom Brady

Total Earnings: $27.1 million
On Field: $23.1 million, Off Field: $4 million


#1 Roger Federer

On court: $9.3 million
Off court: $45 million
Total earnings: $54.3 million

#2 Rafael Nadal

On court: $7.4 million
Off court: $25 million
Total earnings: $32.4 million

#3 Maria Sharapova

On court: $5.1 million
Off court: $22 million
Total earnings: $27.1 million


#4 Novak Djokovic

On court: $10.3 million
Off court: $9.5 million
Total earnings: $19.8 million

#5 Li Na

On court: $1.4 million
Off court: $17 million
Total earnings: $18.4 million

#6 Serena Williams

On court: $5.3 million
Off court: $11 million
Total earnings: $16.3 million

#7 Caroline Wozniacki

On court: $2.7 million
Off court: $11 million
Total earnings: $13.7 million

#8 Andy Murray

On court: $5 million
Off court: $7 million
Total earnings: $12 million

#9 Victoria Azarenka

On court: $6.7 million
Off court: $3 million
Total earnings: $9.7 million

#10 Andy Roddick

On court: $0.8 million
Off court: $8million
Total earnings: $8.8 million

There are many other games where playing with a ball can be very lucrative: Billiards, Beach Volleyball, Water Polo, Ping Pong, Soft Ball, etc

Average salary for:


special education teacher


science teacher


middle school teacher


math teacher


teacher assistant


preschool teacher


lead teacher


elementary teacher


early childhood teacher


social studies teacher


spanish teacher


child care teacher
