Thursday, November 28, 2013


It's Thanksgiving day and I wanted to share two lists. One is the things for which I'm thankful and the other is the things for which I'm not so thankful:


1. My wife and              1. The  persons who
     family.                          who discovered sugar
                                          and chocolate.

2. The Gospel of            2. Don Johnson who
    Christ and His                made the scruffy 
    Atonement                      unshaven look

3. The personal              3.  Philo T. Farnsworth
    computer and                  who invented the TV
    the Internet which           where I spend entirely
    have given me                 too much of my time    
    something to do               watching frivolous
    while I'm retired.             programs.   

4. Freedom of thought    4. Dennis Rodman
    and action.                      who popularized
                                           tattoos for athletes,
                                           which then turned into
                                           a widespread practice
                                           among younger people.

5. The man who stood     5. Having to clean 
    under a waterfall             soap and mineral
    and thereby created         deposits from the 
    the first shower.               shower stall.                  
6. The inventor of the      6. My dentist who 
     electric toothbrush.         insists I floss after 

7. The inventor of the       7.  Having to shave 
    electric razor.                    every day. (I know,
                                              Don Johnson)
8. The Automobile           8. Big oil companies
    which gives me                 for suppressing the
    freedom of movement      development of 
                                             alternative types of
                                             fuel for cars. 
                                             (Hydrogen would be 
9. Christmas as a                9. The first guy who
    celebration of the birth       put Christmas lights
    of Christ and a reminder     up on the outside of
    of what He means to us.      their house.

 10. The Christmas spirit,  10. The person who was
       which I need                     too shy to publish
        more of.                           "A Visit  From
                                                  St. Nicholas" 
                                                  (a.k.a. "The Night 
                                                  Before Christmas")
                                                under his own name
                                                but did it
                                                anonymously, thus 
                                                creating Santa Claus
                                                and the need to give
                                                gifts at Christmas
                                                which has gotten 
                                                way out of control.

11.  Ibuprofen                   11. Arthritis  

12. Thomas Edison           12. R-rated Movies
       for inventing                    and the Hollywood
       everything.                       movie moguls who 
                                               can't figure out that
                                               PG and PG-13
                                               movies make more 

13. Thanksgiving              13. Food Network Chefs
                                               who all cook turkey
                                               differently and 
                                               confuse everybody
                                               with dozens of

14. Sandwiches made       14. Black Friday sales
      from left-over                   which have now
      Thanksgiving turkey,        worked their way
      stuffing, and                      to Thanksgiving Day 
      cranberry sauce                 and will ultimately
                                                start the day after 
                                                Halloween. Oh wait,
                                                they already start
                                                after Halloween. 
                                               They just don't call 
                                                them Black Friday 
15. Thanksgiving dinner   15. All the work that 
      with all my children,        goes into its 
      their spouses, and my       preparation.
      grandchildren gathered
      at our house to start the 
      Holiday Season.

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