I've been reading a book called The Dancing Wu Li Masters. It was published in 1979 which makes it somewhat out of date and I understand the subject matter has only become more complicated since then. It's all about physics and how physicists are trying to make sense of the world around us and explain what reality truly is by using Mathematics, the Theory of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics. What the book says so far is that if we accept what physicists are telling us, then the world, including each one of us, on the sub-atomic level, is in constant chaos changing from matter to energy and back again. We may look real but we are actually made up of waves or particles or both, glued together by electromagnetism, except particles don't really exist, and waves are only probabilities that may or may not come into existence, which means we don't really exist, and if we do exist it is only because someone accidentally observed us existing. Remember this the next time you see something no one else does. You may have just created whatever it was you saw because without you to observe the event then it probably wouldn't have happened in that exact manner and may have popped into existence in a parallel dimension skipping us all together depending on if someone observed it over there and how close to the speed of light it was traveling for velocity = mass = energy, maybe, because some particles are mass-less, except mass is what makes up the universe.
The whole subject is very deep, esoteric, hurts my brain when I think about it and makes me glad I'm not a physicist. Trying to cope with cleaning the bathroom and taking out the garbage is difficult enough for me to understand at this stage of my life. The book also gives me a clear view of how totally off their rockers most scientists are. After reading this book I now believe Rod Serling (Twilight Zone) was a Dancing Wu Li Master physicist.
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