Wednesday, May 23, 2012


You would think that purchasing a swing set for the grand kids to play on in the back yard would be an easy task: find a set, buy it, put it together, enjoy. 

Nope! We can't even get passed the first part. Too many decisions to make:

  • Wood or Metal? 
  •   Cheap or Expensive?
  •  Simple A-frame or attached Club House or Monkey Bars or both? 

  • If metal, what color?
  • Where would it go in the yard?
  • Which direction would it face?
  • What about the over hanging telephone and power lines?
  •   What kind of seats should the swing have-bucket or strap?

Commercial Belt Swing Seat with Plastisol Chain

Not to mention:
  • Who would put it together?
  • Would the grand kids use it more than once?
  • Do we really want to rip out the cloths line to make way for it?
  • Is it too dangerous?
Isn't grand parenting wonderful?  No need to worry about the state of the economy or the plight of humanity, just keep your mind focused on the really important issues and keep those grand kids happy.


  1. Have it face N/S, so they aren't swinging into the sun. If they can swing high enough to get into the power lines, they get what they deserve. ;-) Strap lasts longer than bucket seats, (age-wise) but they have to be older to start swinging. THe metal will probably last longer than wood here in Utah. & lastly, life is dangerous, let them learn to enjoy it anyways. :-)
