Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Children are a challenge. They can bring the greatest joy and the deepest sorrow. They also create laughter when you think back on some of the shenanigans they got up to while you weren't looking. Here are a few from my own memory bank.

  • Filling the the gas tank of a car parked in front of a neighbor's house with dirt and rocks. Needless to say the driver didn't get very far before there were problems with their engine We had to pay for half the repair.
  • Pulling up all of the newly planted strawberry plants in the garden to "help Daddy." It ended my career as a gardener.

  • Painting the neighbor's house with honey and rotting fruit that had been left in their carport to "ripen."
  • Shooting off bottle rockets in the back yard and causing a fire in the bushes and trees of the houses next door. Thank goodness the fire department was close by.

  • Dumping an entire bottle of expensive after shave down the bathroom drain. I never did replace it.

  • Drawing and writing on the bottom of anything they could crawl under: bunk beds, piano benches, end tables, etc. It furthered their artistic development.
 A friend pointed out that once his child dumped chocolate milk into their aquarium. I guess these kind of events are universal happenings when you have children and I haven't even scratched the surface of what grandchildren are capable of doing.

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