It's Thanksgiving day and I wanted to share two lists. One is the things for which I'm thankful and the other is the things for which I'm not so thankful:
1. My wife and 1. The persons who
family. who discovered sugar
and chocolate.
2. The Gospel of 2. Don Johnson who
Christ and His made the scruffy
Atonement unshaven look
3. The personal 3. Philo T. Farnsworth
computer and who invented the TV
the Internet which where I spend entirely
have given me too much of my time
something to do watching frivolous
while I'm retired. programs.
4. Freedom of thought 4. Dennis Rodman
and action. who popularized
tattoos for athletes,
which then turned into
a widespread practice
among younger people.
5. The man who stood 5. Having to clean
under a waterfall soap and mineral
and thereby created deposits from the
the first shower. shower stall.
6. The inventor of the 6. My dentist who
electric toothbrush. insists I floss after
7. The inventor of the 7. Having to shave
electric razor. every day. (I know,
Don Johnson)
8. The Automobile 8. Big oil companies
which gives me for suppressing the
freedom of movement development of
alternative types of
fuel for cars.
(Hydrogen would be
9. Christmas as a 9. The first guy who
celebration of the birth put Christmas lights
of Christ and a reminder up on the outside of
of what He means to us. their house.
10. The Christmas spirit, 10. The person who was
which I need too shy to publish
more of. "A Visit From
St. Nicholas"
(a.k.a. "The Night
Before Christmas")
under his own name
but did it
anonymously, thus
creating Santa Claus
and the need to give
gifts at Christmas
which has gotten
way out of control.
11. Ibuprofen 11. Arthritis
12. Thomas Edison 12. R-rated Movies
for inventing and the Hollywood
everything. movie moguls who
can't figure out that
PG and PG-13
movies make more
13. Thanksgiving 13. Food Network Chefs
who all cook turkey
differently and
confuse everybody
with dozens of
14. Sandwiches made 14. Black Friday sales
from left-over which have now
Thanksgiving turkey, worked their way
stuffing, and to Thanksgiving Day
cranberry sauce and will ultimately
start the day after
Halloween. Oh wait,
they already start
after Halloween.
They just don't call
them Black Friday
15. Thanksgiving dinner 15. All the work that
with all my children, goes into its
their spouses, and my preparation.
grandchildren gathered
at our house to start the
Holiday Season.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
O Universo é muito grande! Tudo o que tenho a fazer é olhar para cima à noite para ver que é uma afirmação verdadeira.Eu li um artigo no jornal Deseret News de terça-feira, 5 de novembro, 2013, com o título: Estudo: 8,8 bilhões do tamanho da Terra , os planetas recém- direita.O que os autores estavam discutindo era a estimativa de que em nossa galáxia Via Láctea, há pelo menos 8,8 bilhões de planetas orbitando estrelas de mesma magnitude como o nosso Sol, que também está localizado na zona Goldilocks (não muito quente e não a frio para a vida). Eles também mencionaram que existem planetas que orbitam estrelas maiores e menores do que o sol, que também se encaixam na zona Goldilocks dessa estrela. Adicioná-los todos juntos e você terá cerca de 40 bilhões planetas compatíveis com a vida.Então eu fiz uma pesquisa na internet para descobrir quantas galáxias estão estimadas no universo. Esse número foi estimada em entre 200 e 500 bilhões. A nossa Via Láctea é de tamanho médio a grande , ou seja, há galáxias maiores e menores. Just for fun I multiplicado 500.000.000.000 galáxias com 40 bilhões de planetas e tem uma figura de 2 x1022 planetas ( 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ) com capacidades de suporte de vida . O UNIVERSO É MUITO GRANDE !
The Universe is very big! All I have to do is look up at night to see that is a true statement.
I read an article in the Deseret News of Tuesday, November 5, 2013 with the headline:
Study: 8.8 billion Earth-size, just-right planets.
I read an article in the Deseret News of Tuesday, November 5, 2013 with the headline:
Study: 8.8 billion Earth-size, just-right planets.
What the authors were discussing was the estimate that in our Milky Way galaxy there are at least 8.8 billion planets orbiting stars of the same magnitude as our sun that are also located in the Goldilocks zone (not too hot and not to cold for life). They also mentioned that there are planets orbiting larger and smaller stars than the sun that also fit into the Goldilocks zone of that star. Add them all together and you get about 40 billion life- compatible planets.
I then did an internet search to find out how many galaxies are estimated in the universe. That estimated figure was between 200 and 500 billion. Our Milky Way is of medium large size, meaning there are larger and smaller galaxies. Just for fun I multiplied 500 billion galaxies with 40 billion planets and got a figure of 2 x1022 planets (20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) with life supporting capabilities.
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