Saturday, March 17, 2012


Let me see if I have this figured out.

Obama can't be President because he didn't live up to everybody's expectations, the economy went sour and hasn't completely recovered, he had the audacity to ram healthcare through Congress, he didn't pull the troops out of everywhere fast enough and besides he is too much a liberal Democrat.

Romney can't be President because he flip flops on  issues, he is a businessman who became too rich because of his entrepreneurial skills, he doesn't relate well to the poor or the middle class, his party leaders don't want him and are looking for anybody who could possibly beat him, and besides there is that religious thing.

Santorum can't be President because he started too late, he is too young, too conservative, lost the Senate race in Pennsylvania, has supported and endorsed liberals in past elections, worked as a Washington DC lobbyist and is too enamored of the ultra conservative Tea Party.

Gingrich can't be President because he's too Southern and increasingly irrelevant.

Ron Paul can't be President because he is Ron Paul.

Where does that leave us? 

In deep trouble, but then when have we ever elected a President since George Washington that all Americans could support? 

Representative Democracy means "majority rule with minority rights."  Let's hope someone can forge a majority of support in the near future and still have concern for the rights of every American.  

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